Survey Says… Beverage Amenities Make A Difference

By Dr. Tracy Brower

Most facility executives are focused on improving not only the facility, but also the overall experience of people at work, which leads to employee productivity. There are a lot of variables that affect success in these areas – from design and lighting to air quality, and more. Beyond these, there is a tool that facility executives can also tap. Before we dive into what this key tool is, to build the case, let’s start with a few findings from recent research:

  • 67% of people believe this aspect of their workplace experience is crucial to a sense of engagement.
  • 80% of workers say that this experience is integral to their well-being.
  • 78% of Millennials prioritize it in their work experience.
  • 60% of people at work believe this helps their company become a great place to work.

The key tool in question is the workplace beverage — coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and specialty drinks. Mars Drinks knows because we’ve studied WORKPLACE VITALITY™ and the drinks experience. We engaged with independent research organizations that conducted sweeping studies. A sampling of the results is shown in the bullet points above.

employee productivity
Photo: Mars Drinks

Through a survey of over 3,800 people globally and an additional survey of over 4,000 respondents across North America, we’ve discovered the impact of workplace drinks. Bottom line: They are connected to a swath of outcomes that facility leaders and organizations are seeking.

For one, morale, happiness, and motivation cause people to invest discretionary effort in their work and to do their best.

  • 73% of people feel that coffee and other drinks boost morale and attitude at work.
    On the flip side, fully 38% of people say that to take away their coffee would be to put them in a disagreeable mood.
  • 80t of workers say they are happier when good-tasting coffee and other drinks are available.

The facility can support this kind of morale and happiness by providing a variety of break areas that offer plenty of taste and choice in the coffee, tea, and specialty drinks available.

Employee Productivity
Getting the job done right with quality outcomes and efficiency is the definition of quality. It, too, has important connections to workplace beverages.

  • In fact, 69% of people at work say their workplace beverages are important to how much work they produce.
  • In addition, 25% of people say that without their coffee, they would feel unfocused or less alert.

Break areas that are conveniently located throughout the facility support people particularly well, allowing them to grab a cup of coffee in order to accelerate their work.

Working together is the way work gets done today, and it is a rare role that doesn’t require some collaboration. In the research mentioned above, this, too, was connected to the coffee experience.

  • Across all generations, 67% of people reported that workplace drinks were essential to this teamwork and effort toward a common goal (with Millennials leading the way at 76%).

Coffee, tea, and specialty drinks bring people together. The facility can leverage this by locating brewing areas between teams and within teams who need to collaborate together in order to be successful.

Where To Start
In our interviews and research charrettes with designers, Mars Drinks learned that the work café, the social hub, and the beverage experience are receiving increasing focus. It is with the design and investments in these areas that organizations are frequently launching their process of improving facilities. The starting point is the workplace experience designed to encourage people to come together over coffee, tea, and specialty drinks.

employee productivityBrower is the global vice president of Workplace Vitality for Mars Drinks, an international workplace beverage solutions provider based in the Greater Philadelphia area. She is author of Bring Work to Life by Bringing Life to Work: A Guide for Leaders and Organizations. Brower is a three time recipient of the CoreNet luminary award for speaking and a recipient of the UofH Real Estate Innovative Practices Award.