New EH&E White Paper Helps Hospitals Meet New JCAHO Continuous Compliance Requirement

A new free white paper entitled “Continuous JCAHO Compliance: Responding to the 2006 Unannounced Survey Policy within the Environment of Care” is available to help hospitals prepare for new accreditation requirements that include unannounced surveys. Drawing on studies and the direct experiences of EH&E personnel managing the Environment of Care program at several large healthcare institutions, this paper offers insights into common areas of vulnerability and offers ideas for cost-effective solutions.

“Hospitals are well aware of the high level of activity on all fronts that precedes a scheduled JCAHO audit. With the advent of unannounced surveys, activities such as facilities inspections, document reviews, and educational programs now have to be repeated very often. Healthcare organizations are trying to cope with implementing these resource-intensive preparations on an ongoing basis without potentially compromising patient care,” said Jack McCarthy, president and co-founder of EH&E, a provider of health & safety and engineering consulting services.

This white paper reviews the common barriers to continuous compliance EH&E found at several hospitals and the solutions that were implemented to address them. The paper will be interesting and informative to all hospitals faced with meeting the latest challenge of unannounced surveys. To download the free white paper or for more information, click this link.