2020 SOLUTIONS For FM: HVACScan From BuildingReports

The HVACScan platform from BuildingReports provides verifiable proof of HVAC compliance. A talk with Jason Kronz, President and CTO, elaborates on the company’s innovations as well as industry trends.

Facilities leaders and their teams are in the market for innovative solutions to meet their evolving needs. The recent issue of Facility Executive magazine included a selection of SOLUTIONS 2020, and featured below is the Q&A with BuildingReports from that December 2019 article. We continued the conversation on the company’s HVAC compliance reporting platform with a brief podcast, which you can listen to by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.


Facility Executive: What is a notable product your company will introduce to facility management professionals in 2020?

BuildingReports is the industry leader in fire and life safety mobile inspection and web-based compliance reporting technology. And, we’ve recently expanded our portfolio to include HVAC and refrigeration preventative maintenance service reporting and asset management. In 2020, we’ll be making an even bigger push to generate more awareness in the marketplace while adding features and functionality to further enhance the value proposition.compliance reporting

HVACScan is one of six mobile inspection applications in our ScanSeries suite. During preventative maintenance services, each device is barcoded and scanned using a mobile device, and key details are recorded—such as manufacturer, model number, device type, warranty and installation date, among other device-specific attributes. Once the service call is complete, the data is synced to a secure SaaS portal and automatically formatted into a detailed report for customers to access at their convenience, 24/7.

Not only can device and panel images be attached to the device-level data in the report, but locations of those systems and devices can be mapped on an interactive digital floor plan. Everything from manufacturer recalls to proposed solutions are available, providing a complete and detailed inventory of HVAC assets and their current statuses.

Facility Executive: How is this offering relevant to the work of facility management leaders? How will it help them achieve their goals?

compliance reporting
HVACScan from BuildingReports is one of six mobile inspection applications in the company’s ScanSeries suite.

Based on conversations with both service providers and FM leaders, a gap existed between what field service management solutions and digital forms could provide, and what facility professionals wanted to see.

Because compliance reporting is so demanding, with significant risk and liability involved, our platform was designed to provide verifiable proof of compliance that meets very stringent codes and standards. With fire and life safety, there’s no margin for error because lives are at stake. That same principle allowed us to provide FM professionals with the same visibility, verifiability, and peace of mind for their HVAC assets.

The net result is that FM leaders now have access to system intelligence and asset management capabilities they’ve likely never had before. This allows them to be more effective in decision-making, more accurate in budgeting, and more opportunistic in planning projects. Ultimately, our goal is to make FM leaders more informed, efficient, and ahead of the next curve than ever before.

In a follow up interview, Jason Kronz, President & Chief Technology Officer of BuildingReports, provided further insight into the company’s HVACScan tool, its impact on facility management operations, and related facilities trends. Click below to listen.

Facilities Management, FacilityBlog, Featured, HVAC, New Product Flash, Podcasts, Product News, Products & Services, Professional Development, Technology

BuildingReports, compliance reporting, HVAC inspections, HVAC-maintenance, HVACScan, Podcasts, Solutions 2020

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