Now through September 4, 2006, the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry has on exhibit, “Leonardo daVinci: Man, Inventor, Genius.” In addition to original daVinci works, the exhibit focuses on “modern-day Leonardos,” people who have introduced innovations in their respective fields.
Architect William McDonough, who has been involved in numerous sustainable building projects, is a featured innovator. Along with Chemist Michael Braungart, McDonough founded McDonough Braungart Chemistry Design (MDBC) in 1995 with the aim of changing the design of products and services worldwide. The change is design focused on creating products that do not follow a “cradle to grave” cycle; rather the use of optimized materials would eliminate the waste traditionally resulting at a product’s end of life.
For TFM‘s interview with McDonough, click this link.
Since the founding of MDBC, numerous products have been certified under the firm’s Cradle to Cradle Certification. The current exhibit in Chicago features several of those products, including Eco Intelligence® fabric products from Victor and the Celle chair by Herman Miller.
For more information on the exhibit, visit Chicago Museum of Science and Industry Web site.