ASHRAE Introduces 2018-2019 President, Officers, Directors

ASHRAE’s 2018-2019 president, Shelia J. Hayter, P.E., announced her term’s theme will be “Building Our New Energy Future.”

ASHRAE installed its 2018-2019 president, executive committee officers, and directors during its Annual Conference in Houston, held June 23-27.

ASHRAE’s 2018-2019 president is Shelia J. Hayter, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE. During her inaugural presidential address, Hayter announced her term’s theme will be “Building Our New Energy Future.” The theme focuses on the important role buildings will play in our energy future as the traditional electrical grid continues to evolve toward a smart grid with advances in renewable energy.

ASHRAE elected officers
ASHRAE’s 2018-2019 president, Shelia J. Hayter, P.E.,
Fellow ASHRAE. (Photo: ASHRAE/Twitter)

“ASHRAE is eager to establish new networks and partnerships as we expand the society’s opportunities to engage the many industry sectors that have a stake in our new energy future,” says Hayter. “We will strengthen our leadership position by serving as a bridge that connects buildings, energy and the environment to new ideas and technologies to advance toward a more sustainable world for future generations.”

While serving as the society’s president, Hayter will continue her role as a group manager with the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, CO. She will also serve as chair of ASHRAE’s Board of Directors and Executive Committee.

Elected officers who will serve one-year terms are as follows:

  • President-Elect: Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng., Fellow Life Member ASHRAE, assistant vice president, facilities management and planning, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Treasurer: Charles E. Gulledge III, P.E., Member ASHRAE, HBPD, senior mechanical engineer, Environmental Air Systems LLC., High Point, NC
  • Vice President: Julia A. Keen, Ph.D., P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, BEAP, HBDP, professor, Architectural Engineering & Construction Science Department, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
  • Vice President: Malcom Dennis Knight, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, BEMP, owner, Whole Building Systems, LLC, Mt. Pleasant, SC
  • Vice President: Michael C. A. Schwedler, P.E., Fellow ASHRAE, applications engineering manager, Trane, La Crosse, WI
  • Vice President: Farooq Mehboob, P.E., Fellow Life Member ASHRAE, principal consultant, S. Mehboob & Company Consulting Engineers, Karachi, Pakistan
ASHRAE elected officers
ASHRAE installed its 2018-2019 president, executive committee officers
and directors during its Annual Conference in Houston. (Photo: ASHRAE/Twitter)

ASHRAE also introduced its newest directors who will serve three-year terms from 2018-21:

  • Region I Director and Regional Chair: Christopher G. Phelan, manager of engineered services, Thermco, Clifton, NJ
  • Region II Director and Regional Chair: Jeff Clarke, CEO, Enviroair Industries, Inc., Mont-Royal, Quebec
  • Region III Director and Regional Chair: Dunstan Laurence Macauley III, HBDP, senior associate, WSP, Fairfax, VA
  • Region XI Director and Regional Chair: Russell J. Lavitt, P.Eng., senior mechanical engineer, Stantec, Winnipeg, Manitoba
  • Region at Large Director and Regional Chair: Ahmed Alaa Eldin Mohamed, Ph.D., P.Eng., chairman, Middle East Gate Holding (MEG), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
  • Director-at-Large: Katherine G. Hammack, Fellow ASHRAE, partner, Ernst & Young, Mclean, VA
  • Director-at-Large: Sarah E. Maston, P.E., CPMP, president, Green Footprints Commissioning, Inc., Hudson, MA
  • Director-at-Large: Chandra Sekhar, Ph.D., Fellow ASHRAE, professor, Building Services, National University of Singapore, Singapore

ASHRAE, founded in 1894, is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its more than 56,000 members worldwide focus on building systems, energy efficiency, indoor air quality, refrigeration, and sustainability.

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