Two new compilations of environmental standards have been published by ASTM International. ASTM Standards on Environmental Site Characterization, 3rd Edition, and ASTM Standards on Environmental Sampling, 3rd Edition, are now available in print or on CD-ROM.
ASTM Standards on Environmental Site Characterization, 3rd Edition, features 180 ASTM guides, practices, and test methods for environmental site characterization drawn from the work of the following ASTM committees: D18 on Soil and Rock; D19 on Water; D34 on Waste Management; E47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate; and E50 on Environmental Assessment, Risk Management, and Corrective Action.
All of these standards can be used in site characterization plans to satisfy state, local, and federal regulators during investigations of hazardous waste sites and evaluations of contaminant migration in the environment. In addition, the standards provide valuable guidance to use with CERCLA, RCRA, and petroleum release site investigations and to develop accelerated and expedited site characterization procedures.
Eighty percent new or revised since its last edition, ASTM Standards on Environmental Sampling, 3rd Edition, includes 128 of the latest standards relevant to environmental sample collection and handling.
Standards cover planning for sampling, screening samples in the field to indicate the need for additional sampling, interpreting data based on a specific sampling plan, various sampling techniques for a variety of environmental media, valuable information on different types of sampling equipment, sample holding times, preservation techniques, and quality
assurance/quality control specifications.
Copies of ASTM Standards on Environmental Site Characterization, 3rd Edition are available for purchase for $225. Copies of ASTM Standards on Environmental Sampling, 3rd Edition are available for purchase for $175. Copies of both purchased together (stock # ENVCOMBO) are available for $340. To purchase, contact ASTM Customer Service by phone at 610-832-9585 or e-mail: