Bacharach MGS-250 Refrigerant Gas Detector

The MGS-250 is an infrared refrigerant gas detector with two new added gas options—R514A and R452B.

The MGS-250 from Bacharach is an infrared refrigerant gas detector with two new added gas options—R514A and R452B. It can be configured as either a broadband sensor used for gross leak detection, or as a gas-specific version that’s pre-calibrated and characterized for precision response to individual refrigerants (e.g., CFCs, HCFCs, HFCs, HFOs).refrigerant gas detector

The MGS-250 is the economical solution for detecting refrigerants without the limitations posed by solid-state sensor technologies. This non-dispersive infrared sensor technology offers significant user benefits when detecting either the R514A or R452B. The major benefit is the elimination of cross-interference from other gases and the elimination of cross-interference from changes in temperature and humidity providing the user with peace of mind knowing the reading seen is accurate and stable.

R514A is a refrigerant with a global warming potential (GWP) of under two, and is targeted as a replacement for R123 in centrifugal chiller applications. It is a blend of HFO 1336mzz(Z) (74.7%) with trans-1,2- dichloroethene (25.3%), a gas not previously used in refrigerants. ASHRAE 34 classes R514A as a “B1” refrigerant, meaning that it is not flammable, but is classed as having higher toxicity, with on OEL of 323ppm. This B1 classification highlights the importance of refrigerant monitoring in this application, maintaining high accuracy and enabling the effective and reliable detection of refrigerant leaks which could be harmful, as well as reducing the efficiency of the refrigeration system.

R452B is designed as a replacement for R410A in air conditioning applications, with a GWP of 676, which is around 65% less than that of R410A. It is an HFO/HFC blend of R32 (67%), R1234yf (26%), and R125 (7%). ASHRAE 34 classes R452B as an “A2L” refrigerant, meaning it is classed as non-toxic but is mildly flammable. Reliable and accurate monitoring of A2L-classified refrigerants is an important factor in complying with regulations and assisting the safe use of refrigerants.

Modbus RTU protocols, analog, and relay outputs enable easy integration with building management systems and industrial automation system controls for refrigeration systems operating with R514A or R452B.

The MGS-250 provides low-level leak detection with a measuring range of 0 ppm to 3,500 ppm and delivers up to five to seven years of virtually maintenance-free operation. The infrared sensor has an alphanumeric LED display, status indicator, on-board relay, and alarm to alert personnel when levels have exceeded the preset limit.

The MGS-250 measures approximately 4″W x 5½”H x 1½”D and weighs approximately 6.3 ounces. The refrigerant gas detector is CE, UL, CSA, IEC, and EN 61010-1 approved and has an operating temperature of -22°F to 104°F (5% to 90% RH, non condensing).

FacilityBlog, HVAC, New Product Flash, Product News, Products & Services, Security & Safety

Bacharach, CFCs, gas detection, gas leak, gas leaks, gas safety, HCFCs, HFCs, infrared sensor, leak detection, leak detector, MGS-250, R452B, R514A, refrigerant safety

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