If you’re going to be in or around the greater Baltimore/Washington area next week (Sept. 14), please consider joining TFM‘s tour of Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (JHMI). Held in conjunction with NeoCon East, this tour will be headed by Howard Reel, senior director of facilities design and construction for JHMI.
Participants in the tour will learn first hand how this major institution anticipates future capital improvements using a comprehensive master plan (much like the one featured in TFM’s July Showcase on the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health entitled, Finding the Cure.) The program also includes a pre-tour briefing.
Get a behind the scenes tour, network with other facility professionals, and meet members of TFM’s staff!
Registration details
Date: 9/14/05
Time: 9:00-10:30 AM
Location: Baltimore Convention Center (buses will take participants to JHMI)
Fee: $45
Visit: www.merchandisemart.com (click on NeoCon East) or call 800-677-6278 to sign up