Bird Control And Pest Management Product Focus

This assortment of bird control and pest management products will help keep your facility free from birds and other pests.

Compiled by the Facility Executive Staff
From the August 2023 Issue


Consider this trio of bird control and pest management products to help keep your facility free from birds and other pests.

Bird Control and Pest ManagementIndoor Laser
By Bird-X


The Bird-X Indoor Laser is a laser bird deterrent that repels pest birds without the use of harmful chemicals or inhumane traps. All Bird-X Lasers are completely silent, so they’re ideal for a location where noise is a concern. With a range of up to 10,000 sq. ft., the persistent red and green lasers of Bird-X Indoor Laser Devices flash the area and the pest animal with a disorienting laser, making them feel irritated and unwelcome. The powerful and safe Class E 3R “fat beam” laser diodes create multiple random patterns that prevent pest animals from acclimating, keeping them away permanently. Since the deterrent works by bothering the pests’ eyesight, it is reliably effective against a variety of pest animals including common pest bird species, bats, and small mammals.

Dock Leveler Rear Hinge Seal, XcluderDock Leveler Rear Hinge Seal
By Xcluder


Xcluder Pest Control Dock Leveler Rear Hinge Seal closes the open hinge gap found on most dock levelers using Xcluder Fill Fabric and durable PVC-coated vinyl. The seal, designed for use in combination with Xcluder’s full suite of loading dock rodent-proofing solutions, eliminates a potential rodent entry point in an area notorious for rodent activity. Left unprotected, loading docks create a popular thoroughfare for rodents and other pests.

Xcluder Dock Leveler Rear Hinge Seals feature Xcluder Fill Fabric—a blend of stainless steel and poly-fiber that is impenetrable to rats and mice, proven effective by the USDA APHIS Lab. The seal also features durable PVC-coated vinyl to minimize air exchange and reduce the infiltration of outside contaminants, creating an energy-saving weather seal. By effectively sealing the dock leveler’s rear hinge against pests, outdoor contaminants, and light, the Xcluder Dock Leveler Rear Hinge Seal supports SQF, BRC, GFSI, and AIB compliance.

Bird Control and Pest ManagementAVIX Autonomic Mark II
By Cypress AgriTech

The AVIX Autonomic II from Cypress AgriTech is a fully autonomous system that reduces bird damage by more than 70%. The high-tech scarecrow can be programmed via an app to shine a laser beam across predetermined paths. Birds perceive green laser frequencies as solid objects and flee immediately when the beam moves toward them without getting harmed. The system can be programmed and monitored through an iOS and Android apps via Bluetooth.

The bird repellent device can be installed and configured within a few hours. It requires low maintenance costs: the laser bulb needs to be replaced every 3-5 years, depending on the use. The modular design allows you to replace all components of the AVIX Autonomic within five minutes. No professional tools or skills are needed. The automated bird-repellent device also offers 250 individual waypoints per pattern, allowing you to target trouble spots selectively.

Click here to read more Product Focus articles.


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Bird Control, Facilities Management, Featured, Featured Products & Services, Magazine, Pest Control, Product Focus, Product News, Products & Services, Security & Safety

AVIX Autonomic Mark II, Bird Control, bird damage, bird repellent device, bird-and-pest-control, Bird-X, Bluetooth, Cypress AgriTech, Dock Leveler Rear Hinge Seal, Facility Management, FE-August-2023, Indoor Laser, laser bird deterrent, loading dock rodent-proofing solutions, Pest Control, pest-management, Product Focus, rodent entry points, Xcluder

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