Building Envelope

Question Of The Week: Cooling Tower Blowdown Water Reuse?

What do I do if my plant wants to reclaim cooling tower blowdown water and use it for the purposes of landscape irrigation?

Architects Promote NIBS Performance-Based Guide

The AIA will support the Guide by promoting it to its members as a resource to be used in the design phase of a building as well as by bringing the designer community perspective to the NPBDG review and update process.

Roofing Contractors Recognized For Installations

The 2014 Partner in Quality Award from Firestone Building Products highlights 189 outstanding roofing contractors.

ASLA Receives Green Streets Grant For Chinatown Green Street Demonstration Project

Design Workshop will oversee the project and will collaborate with the ASLA Site Sustainability Task Force throughout all phases.

Friday Funny: Patriotic Porta Potties

Since most offices in the U.S. will be closed in honor of the July 4th celebration, the FacilityBlog Friday Funny is coming to readers one day earlier.

June 2014 Issue (Volume 27, Number 5)

The articles in this issue address the broad overlapping aspects of operations, with a focus on the role facility managers can play in advancing organizational goals.
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