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Building Excellence – Completing A Variety Of Projects With Job Order Contracting

Across industries and for a variety of projects, Job Order Contracting from Gordian is a trusted method to deliver construction projects on time and within budget.

What do airports, public agencies, small colleges, major universities, and healthcare facilities have in common? They all use Gordian’s Job Order Contracting to complete a variety of renovations, repairs, and straightforward new construction projects.

Gordian’s Job Order ContractingJOC is an alternative construction procurement process that helps facility and infrastructure owners complete repairs, renovations, and straightforward new construction projects with a single, competitively-bid contract. Unlike traditional delivery methods where each project is identified, designed, and put out to bid, JOC establishes Unit Prices up front, eliminating the need to bid projects separately. That’s not the only benefit of preset pricing; cost certainty means owners don’t have to worry about paying a premium for emergency work. Such security is invaluable when a chiller dies unexpectedly or when torrential rains cause flooding.

Job Order Contracting is a popular procurement option for the public sector — a tool in the proverbial procurement toolbox — because it helps government agencies and K-12 schools complete work on a compressed timeline. A school, for example, may need to replace a roof and only have the summer to finish the work. Since bidding requirements are satisfied in advanced, the school can have contractors working in a matter of weeks instead of a matter of months.

In some areas, JOC is available through cooperative purchasing networks and shared contracts. This arrangement gives project owners the power to complete a multitude of projects with one contract, it allows them to do so while leveraging volume discounts. This situation is a win-win; not only are community facilities enhanced at a heightened pace, completing projects through cooperative purchasing saves taxpayer funds.

Across industries and for a variety of projects, Job Order Contracting from Gordian is a trusted method to deliver construction projects on time and within budget. Find out more about how JOC is being utilized across North America in this eBook.

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