The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) has issued a call for papers for its annual symposium entitled Partners for Protection: Fire Protection Engineers and the Fire Service. This symposium will be held on October 17 -18, 2006 in Ellicott City, MD.
For TFM‘s coverage of this topic, see “Fire Protection And Building Codes,” from the archives.
Presentations about recent advancements in fire protection engineering related to the fire service are sought for this symposium, and may address topics such as: fire fighter safety, fire investigations, incident information systems, wildland-urban interface, mass notification, manual fire suppression agents, and fire department interface with fire protection systems. The emphasis is on engineering design and how it applies to the fire service.
“The fire service and fire protection engineers work together to make our communities safe from fire. Each share common goals: protection of life and property from fire,” said SFPE Engineering Program Manager Chris Jelenewicz. “This symposium will focus on how fire protection engineers work in concert with the fire service to achieve common fire safety goals.”
Abstracts are due by March 6, 2006. Submittal requirements can be found online, or for more information, contact Chris
Jelenewicz at (301) 718-2910 (ext. 108).