The CDC Mold Work Group recently published a guidance document entitled “Mold: Prevention Strategies and Possible Health Effects in the Aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.” The document cites sources that indicated 60% to 80% of all residential structures in New Orleans sustained severe flood damage. As this flood damage has translated into a significant mold issue in the region, this CDC document is intended to guide building owners and cleanup workers through the potential hazards of contaminated environments.
For TFM‘s coverage of this subject, see “Correcting Mold Misinformation” from the archives.
Beginning with background information on mold and exposure issues the document moves into strategies for assessing exposure to mold. Cleanup and prevention guidelines are provided, as well as a comprehensive review of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). The most current information regarding potential effects of mold contamination on human health are presented along with a discussion on public health strategies and recommendations for state and local officials.
The complete document can be accessed here.