Temperature screening of visitors and employees can be an effective method for helping to stop viruses and illnesses in a facility before they start. CENTRIC offers two non-contact temperature checking solutions—the CSE1008 and RL-A8—to help identify visitors and employees who may have an elevated temperature, to ensure they get further screening before potentially exposing others.
For controlled screening, the CSE1008 is a walk through body temperature detector gate. Safe for both indoor and outdoor use, it adopts a single IR (infrared) sensor for temperature identification, which can be used to check either the forehead or wrist before each person passes through. Lightweight and portable with simple operation, the CSE1008 measures 86.5″ H x 36.25″ W x 15.75″ D with a 79″ H x 28″ W opening. The real-time, LED display shows body temperature, with visual alarming for abnormal temperatures over a preset threshold. An audible alarm also alerts to an elevated temperature. Temperature detection precision is ±0.54˚F. Options for the CSE1008 include the addition of a second sensor for sensing at a lower height, face recognition for access control, or metal detection.
Both non-contact temperature checking solutions are intended to be for adjunctive screening, used in conjunction with a secondary screening process that includes temperature recheck with an FDA-certified thermometer. Note, these units are not approved by the FDA for clinical use.