For the third consecutive year, Today’s Facility Manager (TFM) is conducting a survey of its readership about lighting — asking facility management professionals about the systems they currently use, and what their lighting upgrade plans are. Facility managers can complete the survey now, with the option to enter to win a $100 American Express gift card.
TFM editors are working with the NEMA enLIGHTen America initiative to gather this information and report on the findings in a Special Lighting Report in the April 2011 issue of the magazine. In addition to presenting the findings of the survey, the article will also include insight from NEMA/enLIGHTen America experts about lighting and lighting controls technology, how to finance upgrades, and more.
Formed in 2008, the enLIGHTen America campaign represents NEMA’s teaming with leading lighting companies to help owners and operators of the nation’s commercial, industrial, and institutional buildings understand how the latest lighting products reduce energy use and carbon footprint while saving money.
Each survey respondent has the option to enter into a drawing for a $100 American Express Gift Card. The survey is online now and can be accessed by clicking on this link.
Thank you in advance for your participation!
The 2010 Special Lighting Report can be found here.