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Facility Executive: December 2021 Issue

The December 2021 issue focuses on HVAC systems, including IAQ, cooling, and equipment. Plus safety, sustainability, and FM Solutions 2022.

Facility Executive December 2021 Issue (Volume 34, Number 6)

Editor’s Letter: Moving Facilities Forward Into 2022

Anne Cosgrove June 2021 Issue

It’s been a year of continued transition and adjustment in the facilities profession, and as 2021 comes to a close the Facility Executive team wishes all of our readers health and success in the next year. All industry sectors have been impacted by the pandemic, and as COVID-19 cases are rising once more at the turn of the year, perhaps you and your team are implementing protocols put in place in Spring 2020. Or, have you discovered additional solutions to introduce into facilities operations and maintenance for health and comfort? HVAC systems are a focus in this issue, as this is a central point of concern in buildings of all types. Indoor air quality is discussed in “Better IAQ Through Operations,” and “Cooling The Future” presents a look at a report concerned with the significant increase in air conditioning demand around the world. And, “The HVAC Factor” describes an option to extending the life of equipment with timing, costs, and occupant health in mind.

In other coverage, we look at safety programs and planning. In “Facility Safety Is A 360° Task,” read our conversation with Jim Pauley, President and CEO of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). He shares his thoughts on how facility executives might shore up safety in 2022. In “Planning For Winter Storms,” see the moves made by a higher education FM department in Texas based on lessons learned from the early 2021 winter storm there.

And, as you are looking toward the new year, check out the FM SOLUTIONS 2022 section. The products and services showcased may be just what your facility needs. Happy New Year!



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December 2021 Issue: Contents

December 2021 Issue
ON THE COVER: Cooling facilities is essential to comfort and building operations. As demand rises for air conditioning around the world, facility professionals will seek out solutions to keep cool. (Photo: Adobe Stock By YiuCheung) COVER: Jessica Toal, Group C Creative Director

The HVAC Factor: Restore To Extend Equipment Life | When new systems are not an option, HVAC restoration offers an alternate route.

Tech And FM: Optimize With Digital Twin Technology | Use digital twins of your facilities to achieve key outcomes.

FM Solutions 2022 | Check out these products and services designed to help facilities teams excel in the new year.

Restrooms & Sustainability | From “Choosing A High-Efficiency Toilet,” to “A Look At Sustainable Hand Drying,” there are numerous greener choices for restrooms.

Cooling The Future | Demand for air conditioning is rising. What actions have been taken, and what solutions are on the horizon?

Better IAQ Through Operations | Monitoring air quality goes far to improve occupant health.

Facility Safety Is A 360° Task | The National Fire Protection Association (NPFA) marks 125 years of protecting people and property.

Planning For Winter Storms | In Texas, the Alamos Colleges District builds resilience across its facilities after 2021 winter storm.

Design For Modern Manufacturing | A diamond maker chooses streamlined design and energy efficiency for Oregon lab.

Do More With Warehouse Lighting | Connected, LED lighting systems contribute to a better work environment.

Focus On: HVAC & Indoor Air Quality, Furniture, and Roofing

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Building Envelope, Energy Management & Lighting, Environment, Facilities Management, FM Solutions, HVAC, Interior Design, Magazine, Professional Development, Recent Issues, Security & Safety, Technology

FE-December-2021, FM Solutions, HVAC, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Lighting, Maintenance Data, Manufacturing, recent issues, Restrooms, Sustainability, Technology, Winter Storms

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