DOE Recognizes State of Maryland For Energy Efficiency Leadership

Through the Better Buildings Challenge, the U.S. Department of Energy has recognized Maryland for reducing its energy intensity by 20% over its 9 million-square-foot buildings portfolio.

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has recognized the State of Maryland for energy efficiency advances made through DOE’s Better Buildings Challenge. As a partner in the program, Maryland reduced its energy intensity by 20% over its 9-million-square-foot buildings portfolio, and has now committed to another goal of 15% energy reduction across a broader portfolio of over 90 million square feet.

Maryland In a live, virtual event, Maryland staff outlined several of the state’s efficiency strategies for reaching and exceeding its Better Buildings Challenge goal. DOE and Maryland staff virtually toured the state’s Western Maryland Railway Station, a Better Buildings Showcase Project that saves 21% annually on energy costs compared to a 2016 baseline. The building serves as the headquarters of the Canal Place Preservation and Development Authority (CPPDA) and houses offices for elected officials and local businesses, a museum, and a park and visitor’s center.

Maryland As a historic facility, the 25,000-square-foot station presented unique challenges for energy efficient improvements. With support from DOE, Maryland and CPPDA first conducted an energy audit of the facility and identified several cost-effective energy conservation measures. Renovations included replacing the 20+-year-old HVAC system, replacing more than 500 light fixtures with LEDs, and upgrading the building envelope with new insulation and air sealing.

Maryland In addition to saving energy and costs, these upgrades also improved occupant comfort. Station tenants were previously using space heaters at their work stations to address drafts and uncomfortable temperature variations – issues that the new HVAC system has eliminated. Combined, the renovations have also cut station maintenance costs by more than 70% annually.

Through the Better Buildings Initiative, DOE partners with public and private sector organizations to make commercial, public, industrial, and residential buildings more efficient, thereby saving energy and money while creating thousands of jobs. To date, more than 950 Better Buildings Partners have shared their innovative approaches and strategies for adopting energy efficient technologies. Learn about more than 2,500 of these solutions in the Better Buildings Solution Center.

Read more news related to energy and facility management.

Energy Management & Lighting, Environment, Facilities Management, FacilityBlog, Featured

Better Buildings Challenge, Better Buildings Showcase Project, Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency, energy intensity, Energy Management, energy reduction, HVAC, Lighting, Maryland, Sustainability, Western Maryland Railway Station

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