Facility Executive: April 2019 Issue
Volume 32, Number 2
Tech And FM: The (Tech) Elephant In The Room | The success of smart building technology ultimately depends on humans’ understanding of its capabilities.
The HVAC Factor: Stop Refrigerant Leaks Before They Start | Rising costs and new environmental regulations call for proactive refrigerant management programs.
Facility Retrofit: Flexible Furniture Revives Office | An office redesign in Southlake, TX created collaborative spaces using sit-stand desks, moveable walls, and more.
Keep Birds From Nesting At Facilities | Evaluate the current situation to plan next steps in deterring pest birds. Plus, minimize mosquitoes this summer.
Upgrading Exterior Lighting To LED? | Don’t overlook opportunity for monetary and operational savings by incorporating lighting controls.
Design For Daylighting | Brighten the outlook of building occupants and reduce lighting costs by bringing natural light inside.
Safer Schools: Intelligent Lighting | Connecting lighting systems in educational facilities helps to light the way to safety.
ADA Compliance For Facilities | Keep current with Americans with Disabilities Act developments to make better facilities decisions.
10 Data Center Trends To Watch in 2019 | Which developments should you pay attention to for data center planning and operation?
Renewable Energy: Renewable Energy Data Book Shares 2017 Stats | U.S. DOE’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory reports on development across the nation, and around the world.
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