Facility Executive: May / June 2016
Volume 29, Number 3
Tech And FM: Predictive Analytics For “Low-Tech” Facilities | Lacking high-tech equipment, sensors, or software does not mean facility management executives cannot take action from their data.
Facility Retrofit: Visibility In Multi-Site Maintenance | At Denver, CO based CorePower Yoga, a service automation system has improved retail site management.
Windows: Preventing Condensation | More than simply a nuisance, moisture buildup impacts occupant comfort and facility integrity.
Keeping Up With Fire And Life Safety Codes | While design and construction teams are initially responsible, the facility management team ensures continued compliance.
Workplace Design: Four Trends | Physical environment significantly impacts employees and organizations overall, and facilities leaders are on the front lines.
Opportunity For Innovation | In Wexford, PA, a new outpatient facility provides Allegheny Health Network customers with a wide spectrum of services.
Healthcare Waiting Room Design | Whether in a hospital, medical office building, or urgent care center, these spaces aim to provide comfort and convenience.
Equipment Leasing And FASB Changes | Approval of a new lease accounting standard from the Financial Accounting Standards Board means facilities can prepare to adopt it.
Key Survey Findings: Campus Facility Management | Results of a survey of Facility Executive readers reveals customer service, staffing, and other high priorities.
Renewable Energy: Financing Geothermal HVAC | Partnering with utilities and third parties provides options to facilitate investment into these systems.
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