Facility Executive: November/December 2015
FM Frequency: Building Envelope Check In The New Year | Structural integrity calls for inspection of foundations, walls, windows, and more.
Professional Development: 15 Steps To Mitigate Disaster | Though it may be impossible to avoid a damaging event, facility leaders can plan ahead to help protect people and property.
The HVAC Factor: Executive View Of Preventive Maintenance | Requesting a summary of equipment conditions provides a broad picture that assists in budgeting for the future.
Facility Retrofit: Software Spurs Efficiency | Rawhide Boys Ranch in Wisconsin is stretching its donation dollars further by installing maintenance software.
Tapered Insulation For Low Slope Roofing | For a low-slope roof, this type of system is a foundation for long-term protection. Plus, building envelope audits lead to energy and indoor air quality improvements.
Teaching Old Buildings New Tricks | Smart facility technologies abound, and there’s opportunity for facilities of all ages. Plus, facility departments have critical role in Internet of Things adoption.
10 Strategies For Energy Management | Take stock of energy planning with this list of tips. Plus, an additional five strategies position the facilities team for success.
Senior Living Transformation | In Arizona, Sun Health’s shift from a healthcare to hospitality model is reflected in recent construction projects. Plus, a senior residence conducts a pilot program to increase energy efficiency.
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