Friday Funny

Friday Funny: Hotel To Put All Its Guests In One Basket

Following up on one of our favorite facilities, the iconic former Longaberger Basket Company headquarters in Newark, OH will become a luxury hotel.

Friday Funny: Public Goes Wild Over Nashville Zoo Restroom

Cintas Corporation has named Nashville Zoo in Nashville, TN the winner of its 2019 America’s Best Restroom® contest.

Friday Funny: Let The Ghoul Times Roll

Here are the five best haunted houses and attractions of 2019, according to America Haunts. Plus, a guide to how to get your own facility Halloween ready.

Friday Funny: Go Ahead, Give Your Boss A Thumbs Up

Americans are embracing the ability to use emoji in their written communications at work, as well as in their personal life, according to a new survey.

Friday Funny: Welcome To The Dollhouse

Should your office be a home away from home? A new collection of office furniture inspired by the board game Monopoly takes the goal of a comfy, fun workplace to a new level.

Friday Funny: What If The Office Lottery Pool Finally Wins?

An employee dream come true could be a company nightmare if that office lottery pool finally wins and everyone quits. Today, you can insure anything from employees winning the lottery to paranormal abductions. Here are the craziest things you can insure in 2019.

Friday Funny: Photographic Evidence

Scientists used millions of travelers' Flickr photos to quickly calculate global tourism. Is analyzing online data the next step in measuring our society?

Friday Funny: Is Your Co-workers’ Behavior NSFW?

American workers think their colleagues could behave better in the workplace, and that their co-workers' annoying conduct is having a negative impact on productivity and morale.

Friday Funny: Little White Wi-Fi Lies

Half of working Americans would lie about cell reception and Wi-Fi access to avoid work calls and email while on vacation.

Friday Funny: Do Stinky School Restrooms Mean Your School Stinks?

Summer is winding to a close, and students are headed back to school. Will dirty restrooms create a negative impression of their school and its leaders?

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