FEA, IFMA Foundation Release EPA ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager Guide

Facility Engineering Associates (FEA), in partnership with the IFMA Foundation, has released a new publication detailing how to utilize EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, the second publication in the IFMA Foundation's sustainability guide series.

Facility Engineering Associates (FEA), in partnership with the IFMA Foundation, has released the second guide in the Sustainability “How-to Guide” Series. The new publication, EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, was written by Maureen Roskoski, senior professional; Laurie Gilmer, associate; and Greg Hughel, project engineer, all from FEA.

EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager guide has been created to help facility professionals better understand how to maintain a successful energy management program. The guide highlights essential terms and explains monthly and annual energy consumption within buildings and how this consumption can change over time. In addition to equipping readers with the latest trends and tools needed to tackle energy management, the new guide also provides step-by-step assistance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s online tool, the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.

Teena Shouse, senior facility management consultant at FEA and past IFMA chair, comments on the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager by saying, “In this ever-changing world peppered with so much information, it is truly a pleasure to have a resource which enables one to be immediately more effective in their search of the energy efficiency holy grail.”

“We are very happy with the response received to the first Getting Started guide and look forward to an even greater response to this guide because of the traction received as a result of the initial guide,” said Will Rub, executive director of the IFMA Foundation.

“The large scale implementation of ENERGY STAR is a major priority for IFMA this year,” said Eric Teicholz, executive editor of the Sustainability “How-to Guide” Series. “We have no doubt that FEA’s guide will play a major role in its successful implementation.”

To obtain your own copy of the EPA’s ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager guide, please visit FEA’s Web site at www.feapc.com.

FacilityBlog, FM Alert

ENERGY STAR, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), FEA, IFMA, IFMA Foundation, Publications, Sustainability

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