October is National Fire Prevention Month, and the Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association is recognizing this by offering free fire safety planning and preparedness educational materials. This action is meant to provide a way for businesses, employees, and the general public to learn about best practices in the event of a fire emergency.
The “Educational Materials” section of the Association’s Web site includes up-to-date fire safety tools and information for commercial, residential facilities and general public audiences. Materials range from interactive training sites for portable fire extinguishers, standpipe rack hose, and automated suppression systems to fire protection plans and an interactive safety quiz.

“Currently, many businesses are experiencing budget crunches and have to make tough cost cutting decisions, but safety should not be compromised,” said Jim Widmer, Association President. “With our new educational tools section, businesses can direct their employees to our Web site to access quick, hands-on—and free—fire equipment training and safety guides.”
The Fire Equipment Manufacturers’ Association emphasizes that National Fire Prevention Month serves as an annual reminder for businesses, from commercial to residential facilities, as well as the general public to reevaluate their fire safety plans and equipment, cautioning against complacency. The Association suggests that each October businesses take time to evaluate their fire protection plans, assess the building for fire hazards, check to ensure fire equipment is in proper working condition, and train staff to be prepared in the event of a fire emergency.
Materials can be downloaded from the association’s Web site free-of-charge, or ordered from the association in bulk quantities for a nominal printing fee.