FREE DOWNLOAD: LonMark International Product & Services Guide

The 2011 Guide lists 500 products, 400 industry professionals certified by LonMark International, and 17 worldwide training and testing centers.

LONMARK International, a non-profit international association recognized for the certification, education, and promotion of interoperability standards for control networking, has released its free LONMARK Product & Services Guide. The 2011 Guide lists 500 products, 400 industry professionals certified by LonMark International, and 17 worldwide training and testing centers. This comprehensive resource is ideally suited for industry professionals seeking products and services to support the planning, development, installation and maintenance of LONMARK open systems.

The LONMARK Product & Services Guide provides buyers and specifiers with a comprehensive source for hardware and software products that can be used in new construction, retrofits, or replacements. LONMARK sponsor member Schneider Electric became the supplier to achieve the 500th certified product in the LONMARK Guide. The LONMARK Guide also contains a complete listing of over 400 LONMARK certified professionals providing third-party resources for installation, integration, and maintenance of products and systems using LONWORKS® networks.

“This free guide is an indispensible resource for anyone seeking certified products or professionals for their LONMARK projects,” said Ron Bernstein, LONMARK executive director. “LONMARK open systems provide specifiers, buyers, and installers with an open procurement model to source multiple products, suppliers, and integrators through the competitive marketplace.”

Over the past 16 years LONMARK International has certified in excess of 900 products conforming to the Interoperability Guidelines that establish industry requirements for manufacturers to test and certify products via a proven testing certification program. Control networking products certified by LONMARK International display the LONMARK logo to indicate that they can interoperate with other products in a multi-vendor network.


Building Automation, Interoperability, LonMark, open systems

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