FRESHIELD Fights Surface Germs

The filling alcoves in OASIS bottle fillers are now made with proprietary FRESHIELD technology, harnessing the natural bacteria-fighting power of silver.

Wherever people gather and touch surfaces, germs can follow. This is why the filling alcoves in all OASIS® bottle fillers are now made with proprietary FRESHIELD® technology. FRESHIELD harnesses the natural bacteria-fighting power of silver by infusing it into a poly compound on the molded parts of the alcoves to fight surface germs.surface germs

People all over the world are carrying reusable water bottles. The “BYOB” movement continues to grow; projections are that it will be a $10 billion/year industry by 2024. All those bottles need to be refilled—conveniently—making OASIS® International bottle fillers a suitable choice in public spaces.

The antimicrobial properties of silver have been known for thousands of years. When FRESHIELD is used along with antimicrobial copper, which OASIS offers on metal touchpoints, you get microbe-resistant products. That’s how OASIS is helping to create a safer hydration experience.

In addition to promoting public health, FRESHIELD also helps OASIS bottle fillers last longer. This silver-based antimicrobial compound wards off the degradation that can occur on surfaces in wet environments. It reduces the growth of microorganisms and mildew, protecting the surfaces from mold, discoloration, and even odors, all while battling illness-causing viruses and bacteria.

OASIS offers a full line of bottle fillers to cater to the BYOB market, which values the convenience of hydration on-the-go. Then FRESHIELD provides protection against germs so the public can fill up with confidence, and business owners can reduce lost time caused by illness.

FacilityBlog, New Product Flash, Product News, Products & Services, Security & Safety

antibacterial, antimicrobial silver, bottle fillers, bottle filling station, clean bottle filler, fight germs, fight odor, fill water bottles, FRESHIELD, Oasis, prevent discoloration, prevent mildew, prevent mold, prevent odors, prevent viruses, protect against germs, refill bottles, safe hydration, water fountain

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