With COVID-19 elevated to pandemic status by the World Health Organization, major corporations including Apple, Starbucks, Twitter, and Facebook are now advising employees to work from home in a bid to curb the outbreak and protect their workforce.
It appears the U.S. is not prepared for a mass home-working strategy, however, and this new world of working from home might take some getting used to for some employees, according to Leesman. The company has surveyed more than 700,000 workers worldwide, and of the 94,317 American workers surveyed 45% have no home-working experience. Of those who do work from home occasionally, 83% typically do so for just one day a week or less, and just 1% work from home for more than four days per week. What’s more, only 49% of sporadic home workers have a dedicated room to work from, and 27% don’t even have a designated workstation or desk.
“Home-working will undoubtedly prove pivotal in limiting the impact of the coronavirus crisis,” said Tim Oldman, Leesman CEO. “But the data suggests that many employers and employees will be out of their depth should businesses be forced into lockdown. Our advice is for organizations to quickly quantify where their main obstacles will be and seek support. We know how and why corporate offices impact employee sentiment but have significantly less understanding of even the short-term impact of dispersing teams into environments designed for living, not working. Global business must brace themselves.”
But, all is not lost. A search of social media proves there is one area where the work-from-home workforce is more than ready: Memes.
Those new to working from home may struggle a bit with common issues such as video calls, staying productive in the face of distractions, and whether pants are actually necessary. A little humor always helps though, so here’s our favorite memes about working from home to bring you some light-hearted relief during a challenging situation.
If you’re looking for something more practical to help deal with COVID-19, here are some very helpful handwashing memes.
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