This week’s Friday Funny comes from TFM‘s FM Frequency Columnist, who notes, “Names have been removed to protect the innocent!”

From: Facility Management Office
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:58 PM
Subject: Snakes
Due to various construction projects taking place at XXXXXXXXXXXXX , there has been an increase in snake sightings. We are working with XXXXX to handle the problem. We ask for your cooperation in these efforts.
When outside, please be aware of your surroundings at all times. Do not attempt to catch or kill any snakes you might see. Instead, please take note of where you saw the snake, try to keep track of it and call “Shawn” with XXXXX at XXX XXX-XXXX immediately.
As always, please call the XXXXXXX Management Office if you have any concerns or questions.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience in this matter.
Tenant Services Coordinator
XXXXXX Office Park