Friday Funny: Game of Throws

Need a break from office stress? How about an impromptu game of cornhole?

Sometimes, the stress and hectic nature of the workplace can be too much. You need a break, to clear your brain, relax your tense muscles, remember why you (kind of) like your co-workers.

workplace stress
Credit: John Rowley

You could go Mad Men style and mix up an Old Fashioned, but with a strong focus on health and wellness in the workplace these days, alcohol might not be the wisest choice.

How about a nice relaxing game of cornhole?

Cornhole (otherwise known as dummy boards, bean bag toss, dadhole, doghouse, Baggo, Arse-bag, or Sack Toss) is a game usually played on the lawn in which players take turns throwing bags of corn or bean bags at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. A bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. When a team or player scores 21, they win. It’s a popular, easy, and relaxing game nearly anyone can play.

And now you can play it inside. At work.

Poppin Take Aim cornholeFusing two concepts that you would not imagine sharing common ground, Poppin’s cleverly-designed Take Aim Coffee Table serves double duty as both a side table and a sporty regulation size cornhole game.

Looking at the table, it seems simple. But Take Aim took years to develop. The table seamlessly moves between its two functions. Foldable legs and an easy-to-slide target hole at the top of the table make Take Aim a flexible workplace addition. It—and the workers using it—can transition from leisure to performance in just moments. A secret storage drawer provides easy access to the game’s eight bags, included with the table. Poppin also used its engineering expertise to make sure Take Aim’s cornhole bags match the exact weight and feel of a traditional cornhole bag. (If you or your co-workers don’t know how to play cornhole, no worries: Instructions are included with the table.)

This isn’t Poppin’s first foray into the world of games disguised as office furniture: The New York City workspace design firm previously grabbed attention for its Ping-Pong Conference Table.Poppin Ping Pong Conference Table

Employees, Facilities Management, FacilityBlog, Featured, Friday Funny, Interior Design, Workplace Culture

corn hole, cornhole table, Friday Funny, Interiors, Office Furniture, Poppin, Take Aim Coffee Table, Workplace Design, Workplace Stress

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