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FRIDAY FUNNY: Google TiSP WiFi Service Goes With The Flow

Google is actively developing a higher-performance version of TiSP specifically tailored to small and medium-sized businesses, including 24-hour, on-site technical support in the event of backup problems, brownouts, and data wipes.

From the Google April Fool’s Day Archives comes this classic, and very convincing announcement. Who says geeks don’t have a sense of humor?

Google Inc. announces the launch of Google TiSP (BETA)â„¢, a free in-building wireless broadband service that delivers online connectivity via users’ plumbing systems. The Toilet Internet Service Provider (TiSP) project is a self-installed, ad-supported online service that will be offered entirely free to any consumer with a WiFi-capable computer and a toilet connected to a local municipal sewage system.
For years, data carriers have confronted the “last hundred yards” problem for delivering data from local networks into individual buildings. Now Google has successfully devised a “last hundred smelly yards” solution that takes advantage of preexisting plumbing and sewage systems and their related hydraulic data-transmission capabilities.

Users who sign up online for the TiSP system will receive a full self-installation kit, which includes a spindle of fiber optic cable, a TiSP wireless router, installation CD, and setup guide. Installation is a simple matter of GFlushingâ„¢ the fiber optic cable down to the nearest TiSP Access Node, then plugging the other end into the network port of the Google-provided TiSP wireless router. Within 60 minutes, the Access Node’s crack team of Plumbing Hardware Dispatchers (PHDs) should have the connection up and running.

And Google is actively developing a higher performance version of TiSP specifically tailored to small and medium-sized businesses, including 24-hour, on-site technical support in the event of backup problems, brownouts, and data wipes. Interested consumers, contractually obligated partners, and deeply skeptical and quietly competitive backbiters can learn more about TiSP here.

FacilityBlog, Friday Funny, Technology

Google, TiSP, wifi

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