To borrow a phrase from the Beatles, “something in the way you move….” will prevent your laptop or cell phone from being stolen? This may be the case in the future, thanks to a device invented by scientists at the VTT Technical Research Center of Finland.
According to a report from Reuters,
The device will make it harder to steal mobile phones and laptops by enabling them to detect changes in their owner’s walking style and then freeze to prevent unauthorized use. The gadget would monitor the user’s walking style and check it against the saved information. If the values differ, the user would have to enter a password.
The goal of the device is to deter the theft of the portable devices–Palm pilots, laptops, cell phones–which have become such a staple in today’s mobile business world. An alternative to password protection or physiological techniques like fingerprints or retina scans, this technology may be less intrusive and more reliable.