Friday Funny: The Good, The Bad, And The Lazy

Here's a collection of interesting holiday decorating ideas from around the world.

Here’s a collection of interesting holiday decorating ideas from around the world.

The good:
This optical illusion comes from Greig Howe, who cut a massive tree into three sections, in order to create the appearance of a tree simply too big for the house. (Source: The Mail Online.)

The bad:
This lovely sentiment speaks for itself. (Source:

And the lazy:
In Chicago, one resourceful neighbor, Dave Nosek, make the strategic decision to say more with less. His holiday sentiments “mirror” those of Chet Cybulski, just one house over. (Source:

Happy holidays to everyone–the good, the bad, AND the lazy.

FacilityBlog, Friday Funny

Christmas, Friday Funny, holidays

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