The photographs show the Justice and Detention Center in Leoben, Austria. The building was completed in 2005 and comprises court facilities as well as a penitentiary. Modern architecture Web site MIMOA notes:
Architect Josef Hohensinn did not find it all that far-fetched to take home comfort into consideration in his penitentiary design for the new Justice and Detention Centre in Leoben. Façades, layout of spaces, art concept – everything meets the highest Austrian standards.
“Lucky” Austrian prisoners enjoy not only clean and modern accommodation but can also move freely among their cells and the communal spaces in their designated areas. There are also outdoor courtyards where inmates can walk and sit in the fresh air.
More information (Google translated from original German) about the prison is available on the Hohensinn Architektur Web site.
Many thanks to Luann Rathemacher for providing this Friday Funny, and additional thanks to Tim Springer for sending a correction from Hoax-Slayer.