Five years ago, FacilityBlog covered License to Chill, an amusing YouTube video created by ASHRAE as an “educational” tool for young people interested in the HVAC profession. (And if you don’t believe me, you can see the video here.)
Now not to be outdone, a song about OSHA safety training is also well on its way to becoming a viral YouTube hit. Marshall Carroll (aka “Marsh“) of Winnipeg has taken it upon himself to come up with a song about OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HAZCOM).
Written to the tune of The Thing by Phil Harris, this ditty features classic lyrics such as:
Hazardous Materials Identification System
It sure is a mouthful but you better listen
Substances must be labeled at their place of work
A legal responsibility that you cannot shirk
and these lines (which hits especially close to home for me, a non-dairy eater…):
OSHA has created a rich vocabulary
There’s even an icon if you can’t eat dairy
Lethal dose 50 and pH play a role
Hey! Affix them to my wife’s tuna casserole!
(For a PDF of the lyrics, click this link.)
Watch it if you have ever been involved in safety training of any kind.
And if that inspires you in any way, you may want to consider entering the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s nationwide photography contest: Picture It! Safe Workplaces for Everyone. OSHA challenges anyone with a passion for photography to capture an image of workplace safety and health and share it with the agency. The goal of the contest is collaborate with the public—relying on the talent, imagination, and creativity of participants—to kick off a national effort to raise awareness about workplace safety and health.
The contest, which is part of OSHA’s year long 40th anniversary celebration, is open to members of the public ages 18 and older and will run through Friday, August 12. Both professional and amateur photographers are welcome to enter. Participants can find contest rules and submit photographs here.
Photographers may interpret “image of workplace safety and health” in any way they choose; they are not restricted to particular subject matters or themes. Photographs must be taken in the United States and its territories. First-, second- and third-place prizes will be awarded for the most outstanding portrayals of occupational safety and health in terms of artistic value and ability to raise awareness about safety and health to the general public.
An expert panel of judges—all accomplished professionals in the fields of photography and public affairs—will determine the contest winners. All winning and finalist photographs will be displayed on the OSHA photo contest Web page.
Along with the general public, OSHA contractors, and special government employees may participate in the contest. However, federal OSHA, “state plan” state OSHA employees and on-site consultation employees are not eligible. (A separate, internal contest is running simultaneously for the latter group.)
All questions from the public may be directed to OSHA’s Office of Communications at 202-693-1999.