This post was submitted by TFM FM Frequency Columnist Charles Carpenter, a facility management professional who is often asked to test his powers of creative thinking.
Take a good look at the photo below. What can you see that’s wrong with this furniture installation? There might be a lot of things, but one is clearly obvious.
Still not seeing it? Here’s a hint:
When given four furniture connectors that were too tall, Carpenter had the following options:
- Wait days or a week for the correct size to be cut down and/or repainted, and then pay someone to return to complete the installation.
- Obtain the proper equipment to cut them to size safely and hope the paint did not need touch up.
- Use them and let them stick out like a sore thumb.
- Swap them randomly around the building for the right size and tell people they are coat racks/posts/hangers.
Carpenter went with #4, and now he is getting requests for more!