In the land of Google, where technology is king, Resident Physician Taraneh Razavi, M.D., has taken time to write about one of the concerns that plagues facility professionals and computer users across the land. And if Google’s staff doctor is writing about it, Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSIs) must be a legitimate problem.
For a related but contrary post, see “Carpal Tunnel NOT linked to typing” from FacilityBlog.
Razvani writes,
RSI is no small matter. It accounts for 34% of all lost-workday injury and illness — and costs almost $20 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that an estimated $50 billion is lost by businesses every year from sick leave, decreased productivity and medical costs linked to repetitive stress disorders. The Academy has published two reports since 1998 which directly link repetitive motion to workplace injury.
So what should you do? The key to treatment is prevention. Research shows that injuries decrease and productivity increases when employers encourage stretch breaks and stress the importance of ergonomics.
The full post along with related links and sources can be found here.