Believe it or not, Saturday, May 13 marked the one year birthday of FacilityBlog. Let’s turn back the calendar 365 days to see what was being discussed one year ago:
Friday, May 13, 2005
Friday the 13th seems like as good a day as any to start a Blog, especially with the news of major base closures looming around the country. The announcement, which was officially released today, was actually leaked to our offices yesterday by someone who knows someone who works in the facilities department of our local military neighbor, Fort Monmouth. Naturally, this was all taken with a grain of salt, but sure enough, the local rumor mill was actually right for once.
In the year that has passed, FacilityBlog has hosted more than 7,700 visitors who have viewed more than 13,000 pages. The editors have posted 463 stories in that year–and we have every intention to keep on posting!