HID FARGO Connect System Streamlines ID Issuance

Poised to replace the paradigm of standalone printers tied to a dedicated PC workstation, the cloud-based system can speed up ID management for facilities.

HID Global® introduced today the industry’s first cloud-based solution — HID FARGO® Connect™ — designed to simplify and streamlined the issuance of ID cards and credentials for facility and security management. Poised to replace the paradigm of standalone printers tied to a dedicated PC workstation, HID FARGO Connect creates a new approach for ID issuance. In this security ecosystem, ID cards can be issued from anywhere and from any device via a web interface in a trusted environment. System administrators (e.g., facility management; security departments) are able to remotely monitor and manage consumables to help avoid out of stock issues and manage replenishment processes.

ID management
Three product categories utilized in the HID FARGO Connect solution

“HID FARGO Connect is the biggest innovation that the ID card issuance industry has seen in more than a decade, and with it, HID is changing the way cards and credentials are issued forever,” said Craig Sandness, vice president and managing director of Secure Issuance with HID Global. “HID Global is introducing a game-changing way for people to issue IDs, and we’re turning HID FARGO printers into smart, secure, web-enabled, edge devices for the Internet of Trusted Things.”

With over one million FARGO printers in use around the world, HID is delivering a new experience for people responsible for issuing ID cards to employees, visitors, contractors, students, or anyone using cards or mobile IDs for access control, loyalty programs, payments, and a broad range of services.Facilities and operations that handle high traffic for ID management needs may find FARGO Connect especially interesting. Also, those who handle special events and need ID badges quickly and efficiently might find a good fit for their needs.ID management

Facilities and operations that handle high traffic for ID management needs may find FARGO Connect especially interesting. Also, those who handle special events and need ID badges quickly and efficiently might find a good fit for their needs. Among the first to use HID FARGO Connect is Kent State University. The process of issuing student IDs to thousands of people during orientation has been simplified and streamlined through its shift to a cloud-based approach with HID FARGO Connect. The student experience has significantly improved, aligning with the university’s students-first priority.

“As one responsible for issuing thousands of IDs at our Kent Campus and at our other sites, I see HID FARGO Connect as providing us a next-generation platform for producing cards for our students that impacts them in only positive ways,” said Michael O’Karma, office systems coordinator for Flashcard Operations, Kent State University. “The advantage to the students is that they do not have to wait in line any longer, and the advantage to us in the administrative office is that we can provide a better service that’s more cost-effective and efficient.”

The new HID FARGO Connect cloud service provides the following:

  • Simplifies management and delivery of high-volume ID issuance, saving money and time while increasing control and security
  • Eliminates the need for computers dedicated for ID issuance at every location
  • Eliminates the need for management of software and other IT resources associated with ID issuance
  • Gives administrators full visibility and control like they have never previously had
  • Complies with and exceeds today’s ever-increasing data security standards – critical for any distributed or remote issuance environment —
    utilizing state-of-the-art Identrust® digital certificates
  • Allows users to securely access networked HID FARGO Card Printers and Encoders
  • Integrates with many leading technology providers of both “one card” solutions and physical access control software, including HID’s
  • Quantum Secure SAFE software

Watch this video for a further overview of HID FARGO Connect.

Cloud Based, HID Global, ID Badging, Security Services, TOTM: Safety & Security, visitor-management

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