Whether you need court room updates, office renovations or upgrades, emergency roadwork repairs, and everything in between, Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a great way to complete construction procurement projects quickly and on budget.
JOC is an alternative procurement process that helps facility and infrastructure owners complete repairs, renovations and simple construction projects with a single, competitively-bid contract. Unlike traditional bidding where each project is identified, designed and put out to bid, JOC establishes prices up front, eliminating the need to bid projects separately. JOC is a popular procurement method in the public sector and it’s even available through cooperative purchasing networks.
Every year, building owners, managers, and contractors that use Job Order Contracting are honored with the Harry H. Mellon Job Order Contracting Awards. Named for the creator of JOC, the Harry H. Mellon Awards honor the outstanding professionals using best practices to complete unique projects with JOC.
View this eBook featuring award winning JOC projects to learn more!