June 2011 Issue (Volume 24, Number 6)

There are so many resources available to facility managers that can help them broaden their perspective, but are they willing to change the way they do things?

Today’s Facility Manager: June 2011

Tricks Of The Trade: Achieving CFM Status | Jim Elledge provides a clear explanation of the CFM process.

FM Frequency: Pinching Pennies; Counting Quarters | Seemingly small changes to operations can save a significant amount for facilities management.

Professional Development: Keeping Tabs On Facilities | Self evaluation of the condition of organizational assets can be a valuable complement to more comprehensive, often contracted, assessments.

The HVAC Factor: Preventing Legionella | Acoustics are an important factor in occupant productivity, and this holds especially true in education facilities.

Services & Maintenance: Have A Seat | Whether economics or environment is the primary driver, buyers should look at all the angles when considering pre-owned furniture.

Project Management Trends: Enhancing Value | Integrating CAFM data is key for facility managers to maximize the return they reap from information gathering efforts.

FM Issue: Building A Better Future | In January 2011, President Obama announced an initiative to promote energy efficient upgrades, and there are other tools for facility managers as well.

Corporate Headquarters Case Study: Tasty Amenities | The Campbell Soup Company added to the palette at its world headquarters building in Camden, NJ.

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