
Kirei’s Customizable Acoustic Clouds

EchoCloud acoustic clouds help absorb sound within an open space, reducing reverberation and helping quiet noisy spaces, no matter the ceiling type.

Clean-Air Claro Stipple Textured Panels

Clean-Air Claro is a fully customizable acoustical panel that contributes to overall health and safety standards by helping to deliver better indoor air quality in areas such as hospitals, airports, schools, theaters, and restaurants.

Quiet Mark Launches In U.S. To Combat Noise Pollution

Proprietary testing program from the Noise Abatement Society offers support for nation’s health and well-being by helping to find the quietest solutions in over 50 product categories.

FilzFelt KHS Hanging Panels

The Kelly Harris Smith Collection of Arch, Arrow, Dash, Dot, Loop, Pitch, and Square hanging panels combine, repeat, and scale to form complex patterning inspired by halftone reprographic techniques.

Did You Miss Our Reducing Noise Distractions, Achieving Speech Privacy Webinar?

This free video webinar demystifies the topic of speech privacy and sound masking, shows you how to set goals for levels of speech privacy, and addresses how privacy performance is measured.

Webinar: Reducing Noise Distractions, Achieving Speech Privacy In The Modern Workplace

This free webinar demystifies the topic of speech privacy and sound masking, shows you how to set goals for levels of speech privacy, and addresses how privacy performance is measured.

Shooter Detection Systems Integrates With Everbridge Critical Event Platform

By integrating the Guardian System with the Everbridge CEM platform, facility and security management can better respond to active shooter situations.

Serve Up Sound Quality In Senior Living

Acoustical design in dining rooms is an important concern in senior living facilities.

Facility Executive | June 2017 Issue

The June 2017 issue features the impact of workplace design on productivity, plus a look at conferencing technology, HVAC systems, sustainable carpet, security, acoustics, construction projects, and energy management.

Eyewear Innovation Lab Design Reflects Core Mission

For its new Manhattan location, VSP Global tasked its architecture firm to create a workplace that will inspire its team of creative entrepreneurs.

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