air pollution

“Filtering the Facts” On Indoor Air Cleaners

air cleaning technologies
Research shows many technologies used to clean and disinfect indoor air do more harm than good, leading researchers to seek new alternatives.

EPA Establishes Stricter Air Quality Standard

The EPA believes the stricter air quality standard will prevent up to 4,500 premature deaths and 290,000 lost workdays.

Three Tips To Keep IAQ Safer When Outdoor Air Is Unhealthy

Air Quality
From wildfire smoke to air pollution-ridden cities, facility managers must focus on healthier indoor air quality amidst outdoor air crisis fueled by climate change. Honeywell provides tips for keeping IAQ safer. 

Managing Air Quality Amidst Climate Change

Effective OAQ monitoring offers access to air quality data around outdoor spaces and customized to fit an individual building’s needs.

Building Electrification Technology Roadmap: The Path To Zero Carbon

A first-of-its-kind study from the New Buildings Institute provides a comprehensive analysis of electric technologies that can displace fossil fuels in buildings.

YORK DOAS Decrease Indoor Air Pollution

Dedicated outside air systems (DOAS) include a range of 100% outside air units and mixed air units that help decrease indoor air pollution and reduce heating and cooling loads.

Britain’s Houses Of Parliament Rebuild Spurred Clean Air Laws

MIT research finds the reconstruction of this building during the late 19th century was so hindered by pollution that the British government convened scientific inquiries into the effects of the atmosphere on the new building.

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