
Jetty:Mod Modular Sofa Seating

Modular Sofa Seating
Jetty:Mod is a modular collection of sofa seating, interconnecting tables, screens, and accessories that supports individual and group activities while optimizing user posture and comfort.

Allsteel Presents Poka-yoke

Allsteel has embraced ​Poka-yoke ​as a guiding product-design philosophy to help employees adapt to evolved workspaces and reinforced goals, such as distancing in workstations and shared spaces, traffic flow, and safer behavior.

Allsteel Demountable Partition System

Beyond pavilion features a rich set of materials and configurations that help users reclaim unused vertical real estate in the open plan.

NEW PRODUCT FLASH: Beyond from Allsteel

This framed glass product provides flexibility for facility managers reconfiguring office space and other settings.

Allsteel Certified To ISO 50001

Launched in 2011, this ISO Standard guides the development of an energy management standard for facilities.

Special Report: The State Of Sustainability

Are facility managers ready to act? Or are they marching to the beat of a different drum?

Holiday Construction

The Chicago Theatre was recreated by a team from VOA Associates Inc. for the annual “Gingerbuild” competition held at the Allsteel/Gunlocke Chicago Resource Center.

Furniture Trends: Working The System

As space planning demands evolve, facility managers will find it useful to have a versatile environment.

Sustainable Design Trends: Green Wants You

New environmental solutions help transition buildings into sustainability. From the October 2005 issue.

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