Breaking: BP To Pay More Than $13 Million For Texas City Safety Violations

Penalty stems from citations for more than 400 process safety management violations cited at Texas refinery in October 2009.

BP to Pay $50.6 Million Penalty for 2005 Refinery Explosion

Last week, OSHA announced that BP Products North America Inc. will pay a full penalty of $50.6 million stemming from the 2005 refinery explosion that killed 15 workers and injured 170 others.

FRIDAY FUNNY: Little Did They Know…

No joke, in this board game from the 1970s called Offshore Oil Strike, each player has hazards like fire, blow-out, broken pipes, and much more to deal with in order to be declared the big winner.

Cutting-edge Online Campaign – 'My Gulf Action' – Allows Everyone to Take Direct Action to Offset Gulf Oil Spill

SmartPower, the nation's leading non-profit marketers of clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency, announced today the launch of My Gulf Action, an online campaign for individuals who are deeply concerned about the BP oil spill and want to help reduce our nation's collective reliance on fossil fuels.

BP Deepwater Horizon Officials Sign Health & Safety MOU

The MOU provides the means for OSHA to notify the FOSC when it intends to take enforcement action against BP, BP’s contractors, or any other employer engaged in response activities.

DOL Focuses on Safety of Oil Cleanup Workers

Cleanup workers can face potential hazards from oil byproducts, dispersants, detergents, and degreasers. Drowning, heat illness, and falls also pose hazards, as can encounters with wild species native to the impacted areas. OSHA is consulting with BP and others to ensure that workers receive appropriate training and protective equipment.

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