building safety month

Building Safety Month Week 1: Mentoring The Next Generation Of Building Professionals

International Code Council kicks off the first week of Building Safety Month by working towards its goal of preserving the building industry's shrinking workforce.

ICC Announces 37th Annual Building Safety Month Theme

The ICC theme for 2017 Building Safety Month, celebrated in May, is Code Officials: Partners in Community Safety and Economic Growth.

President Obama Proclaims May National Building Safety Month

Month-long celebration recognizes importance of dedicated professionals who keep buildings safe and maintain a resilient, energy-efficient infrastructure.

Building Safety Month Week One: “Building Solutions for All Ages”

More Baby Boomers are ready to retire—Is the built environment prepared?

FM Alert: ICC Announces Theme for 2016 Building Safety Month

“Building Codes: Driving Growth Through Innovation, Resilience and Safety” is the theme for this year's Building Safety Month, celebrated in May.

Building Safety Month Week Four: $ave Energy – Build To Code

Green buildings can be healthier, reducing mold, mildew, and other allergens that contribute to asthma and other significant health issues.

Building Safety Month Week Three: “Water Safe, Water Smart—Build To Code”

Adoption and application of codes and standards are essential preventive measures that are key to outdoor safety.

Building Safety Month Week Two: Bounce Back Faster From Disaster—Build To Code

Actions ensure that businesses and communities are disaster resilient.

Building Safety Month Week One: Don’t Get Burned—Build To Code

Code compliance, working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and escape plans are keys to saving lives.

Building Safety Month Week Three: “Surround Your Building With Safety”

Theme for Building Safety Month Week Three urges code officials to "Surround Your Buildings with Safety” by taking special precautions to ensure outdoor areas are safe.

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