chemical storage

DENIOS Fire-rated Non-occupancy RFP Chemical Storage Buildings

RFP fire-rated chemical storage buildings provide safe and legally compliant storage of flammable and corrosive chemicals.

Hybrid Hatches Solve VDOT Salt Storage Challenge

The Virginia Department of Transportation solves a salt storage problem with corrosion-resistant liners that will help extend its facility's roof durability up to 35 years.

Safespill Ignitable Liquid Drainage Floor Technology

Safespill Systems has received the first FM Approval for “ignitable liquid drainage floor technology”.

Higher OSHA Fines Loom For GHS Label Violations

Labeling options for facilities help cut complexity of compliance with Globally Harmonized System requirements.

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Chemical Spills In NC And WV Spur Legislation

The Chemical Safety and Drinking Water Protection Act of 2014 (S. 1961) would amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to require states to regulate chemical storage facilities.

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