cleaning wipes

SC Johnson Professional Introduces Kresto Cherry Wipes

The sanitary product is a handy, heavy-duty wipe that can be used on surfaces and skin to remove contaminants.

Are Office Workers Taking Coronavirus Precautions?

Bradley Corp's annual Healthy Handwashing Survey reveals workers are taking precautions as they return to the office: The majority are bringing a mask to work and have been fully vaccinated.

Scott 24 Hour Sanitizing Wipes Win WOW Award

Scott 24 Hour Sanitizing Wipes win 2021 World of Wipes (WOW) Innovation Award at the WOW International Conference.

PURELL Brand Launches Surface Wipes

PURELL Professional Surface Disinfecting Wipes and PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizing Wipes eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses of concern.

Wexford Labs Donates Disinfecting Products

Wexford Labs donates EPA List N approved disinfectant supplies to Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) Chapters nationwide.

EasyTask GrabBox Refillable Cleaning System

Hospeco Brands Group introduced the EasyTask GrabBox Refillable Cleaning System in response to widespread shortages of some cleaning supplies.

SPHERGO POP Cleaning Tools

SPHERGO POP cleaning tools offer no-touch disposal of soiled cleaning pads to minimize cross contamination and the transmission of germs.

CloroxPro Cleaning Products

Clorox Professional Products Company unveiled CloroxPro, a unifying new brand encompassing its healthcare and commercial cleaning products.

Diversey Care Avert Sporicidal Disinfectant

The Avert Sporicidal Disinfectant Cleaner and Wipes kill viruses, bacteria, and fungi on hard, nonporous surfaces in hospitals and other facilities.

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