Cost Savings

Unlocking The Power Of Outsourcing CRE Functions

Outsourcing corporate real estate
Outsourcing corporate real estate can be a game-changer for financial firms.

Lighting The Way To Cost Savings

A variety of energy- and cost-efficient lighting solutions are available for commercial buildings.

On The Lookout For Leaks

Leak detection technology can maximize safety, efficiency, and cost savings in commercial buildings.

3 Ways To Reduce Downtime And Maintenance Costs With Video Monitoring

Video monitoring systems can help facility managers spot maintenance problems before they can develop into more costly issues.

How Can We Stop Designing For Disposal?

The construction industry needs to see a strong link between the conservation of resources and cost savings.

Three Reasons You Need A Building Energy Audit

Energy audits are a powerful way to uncover building changes that will save energy, reduce energy costs, and lead to better overall building performance.

Facility Executives Can Reduce Costs With BlazeMaster® Fire Protection Systems

Learn how BlazeMaster® fire sprinkler systems can save money on installation for new construction or retrofits while reducing long-term maintenance expenses.

Utility Financial Intelligence Platform

The UFIQ platform uses AI and advanced analytics to analyze smart meter and interval utility data, define anomalies wasting energy, and deliver actionable insights to support decisive action for facility managers across vertical industries.

Discover Energy And Cost Savings With A Pump System Evaluation

By re-evaluating current pump systems and implementing more energy-efficient solutions, companies can generate long-term savings without sacrificing reliability.

How Have Companies’ Views On Sustainability Changed?

Over the past decade, more companies have come to realize that sustainability, cost savings, risk aversion, and business growth all go hand in hand.

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