document management

Dealing With Documents

Facility executives can prevent legal issues by outsourcing record storage and document shredding.

Dealing With Documents

document storage
Facility executives can prevent legal issues by outsourcing record storage and document shredding.

Dealing With Documents

document storage
Facility executives can prevent legal issues by outsourcing record storage and document shredding.

The Accumulation Of Building Documentation: Growing Every Year

Streamlining record-keeping processes invariably leads to conversations about return on investment. What will be the cost in terms of money, time, and resources?

Calculate The Value Of Mobility With New ARC Document Solutions Tool

The ARC Value Calculator provides a tool to quantify the financial impact of incorporating mobile facilities dashboards into facilities management operations.

Document Management: A Primer

Tools for recordkeeping are more sophisticated than ever as the need for these capabilities grows.

NEW SERVICE SPOTLIGHT: BELFOR Adds Mobile Thermal Vacuum Freeze Dryer

This equipment is used to dry and restore documents that have been damaged in a facility disaster.

Spring Cleaning? To Shred Or Not To Shred?

With spring in full swing, many organizations are planning to or are already in the throes of purging paper records and other items that they no longer need to store. Whether overseeing this for their own department or helping other departments in the organization to clear out their offices, facility managers should ask the following questions: Do I know what documents are in the filing cabinet? The storage closet? The top desk drawer? It could be anything from Social Security Numbers to Tax Returns to Payroll statements; all confidential information that could be detrimental to employees and their companies if placed in the wrong hands.

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