emergency management

Emergency Management: Preparing For Threats Against The Clock

Emergency preparedness is challenging for any business, but having the right tools can make a difference.

Listen Now: Decision-Making During A Crisis

Robert C. Chandler, Ph.D, Founder and Principal of Emperiria discusses his research on adaptive decision-making.

Legionella: Prevention And Mitigation

An infectious disease microbiologist discusses how facility managers can identify, address, and prevent Legionella bacteria.

Understanding The Four Phases Of Emergency Management

When it comes to emergency management, uniform guidelines help facilities and communities handle natural disasters safely and efficiently.

Facility Executive: June 2022 Issue

The June 2022 issue focuses on revitalizing workspace with an eye on productivity, emergency preparedness, minimizing security risks, and energy management.

Four Ways To Keep Your Workplace Protected During A Global Health Emergency

Learn four ways HID® Global customers are using HID SAFE™ Visitor Management to minimize infection risks.

AkitaBox Helps Healthcare Institutions Battle COVID-19 Crisis

AkitaBox's facility and infrastructure management platform will help healthcare providers identify units within their facilities which could be converted to COVID-19 units.

ReconaSense Geospatial A.I.

The ReconMaps geospatial visualization tool is a new module of ReconaSense’s A.I.-powered security platform.

Making The Move, From Paper To Digital

Converting building information assets to a digital document management system pays dividends.

School Safety & Emergency Messaging

Ambit for Education delivers safety, emergency, and operations management using smart mobile devices to connect schools to people, wherever they are.

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