Emergency Response

Standard Updated To Better Protect Workers, First Responders

Changes to OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard will improve the quality of information on labels, safety data sheets.

Critical Incident Mapping Laws For Schools Launched In 11 States

Thanks to a national bipartisan initiative, 11 states have passed common sense laws or initiatives to enable swift, effective emergency response in schools; other states set to follow their lead.

Did You Miss Our Dynamic Facilities Roundtable Discussion?

A lineup of forward-thinking professionals shares insights, observations, and personal anecdotes about today's most newsworthy facility management themes.

Run. Hide. Freeze. Fight. How Would You Respond To An Active Assailant?

A TAL Global poll asks: “If an assailant entered your building or office, which of the following do you believe you would do first?”

Active Assailant Prevention And Response

Facility managers should conduct an annual review of their sites with their team incorporating an active assailant focus.

Crisis Management: Business Continuity And Incident Response Planning

Margaret J. Millett, Head of Global Resilience, Uber, discusses her Continuity Insights Management Conference topic — Crisis Management: Bridging The Gap Between Business Continuity And Incident Response Planning.

Continuity Insights: What’s Risk Got To Do With It?

Mary Herbst, VP of Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance, YMCA of the North, discusses her session topic for the 21st Annual Continuity Insights Management Conference: What’s Risk Got To Do With It? A Proactive Approach To Risk Management.

Be Ready for Emergencies with New Pig’s PIG® DrainBlocker® Drain Cover

New Pig's PIG DrainBlocker Drain Cover helps meet regs and is affordable enough to place near storm drains in spill-prone areas.

Public Safety Communications: Honeywell Invests In RapidSOS 

Strategic investment enables integration of buildings' fire systems with emergency response data platform for faster, more accurate emergency responses.

Facility Safety Is A 360° Task

During 2021, the National Fire Protection Association (NPFA) marked its 125th year of protecting people and property.

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